Black Women & Hair Straightening Products Using Lye

A few things that are true:

  • It is time to put the hair relaxers using lye to rest - if you haven’t yet. 

  • Leave-in conditioners & hair oils should be not disrupting our estrogen levels and hormones.

No hair product with hormone disrupting chemicals listed in the ingredients list is worth the increased risk of breast cancer.

Especially as Black women.

Did you know that Black women are 40% more likely to die from breast cancer?

That holds true at any age.

In addition 1 in 12 hair products marketed to Black women contains a highly hazardous ingredient/chemical. 

If you throw anti-Black hair discrimination to the mix, it’s not a stretch to see the main vein of racism and its existence even in the beauty product industry. 

Knowing this information is one thing. Holding brands & companies accountable is another. 

With no regulation or pressing concern for Black women’s health, it’s up to us to change the narrative and higher the expectations we have.

Take some time to think about the ‘why’ behind needing a hair relaxer. 

It’s time for you to decide if straight hair is worth risking your long-term health, sis.