Posts tagged skincare
How To Deal With Maskne

What in the world is maskne and why must it stop us from being great?

What happens when you are wearing a mask is basically a little inferno of moisture. The result is often a few acne flare ups.

This type of acne is called acne mechanica and is caused due to friction and irritation from pressure on the skin. Makes sense, right?

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Get Your Glow On This Summer - Product Round Up

I know a lot is uncertain right now, but one thing that remains true is that summer is coming. More sunshine, warmer temperatures and an overall feeling of hope and freedom is on its way to us.

When I think of summer I think of grilling, bold outfit colors, soft makeup looks, patio sitting and being on the water. There is so much promise and laughter that comes with longer days of sunshine and warm breezes.

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What's The Deal With Fragrance?

We associate so much of our lives, memories and experiences with smell. I would go as far as to say that we have become addicted to the “flavor” of synthetic fragrance.

So, what happens to your feeling toward perfume and scented lotions, etc. if I told you that fragrance has been called the new “secondhand smoke”.

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